Monday, 21 November 2011

Caught a cold Friday - slowed me down a little as far as outside contacting is concerned.  Did get essential shopping in on Saturday and so gave a PAC to a sweet Asian sister at Sainsbury's.  Also decided to get a hair cut.  My Iranian barber was full of talk about movies I should see.  Hard to get a word in edgewise!  Gave a PAC at the cash end of the encounter inviting him to see a really good free movie available.  He accepted, looking quite confused at how his conversation re the latest two-a-night action movies had led to a religious topic.

However, tucked up in a blanket with laptop, I managed to interview by telephone a delightful newly baptised brother and the member sister who made the first contact with him by 'chance' in a park one Sunday afternoon and invited him to come and find out for himself.  The rest was history and he now is an assistant Ward Mission Leader!  The interview is for an article in a soon to come out member missionary newsletter for all Maidstone Stake members.  It is called 'Starfish' - at the moment.  Still deliberating on the title.  There is a non-random reason - so maybe it will stick.  When it is published I will provide a link here.  Your feedback will be really interesting to help it be fit for purpose to inspire, encourage and teach members to be comfortable with regularly and effectively inviting others to come and find out about the Lord's restored gospel.

I keep a list of all those who I hand a BoM to.  One is a sister who left my workplace but am in email contact.  Emailed her yesterday to see if she had 'turned the pages' yet - the phrase I used!  She replied to day to say she hadn't got around to it but would do soon.  I haven't decided how cheeky to be back to her yet in telling her to get on with it!

Also on Saturday I invited by email my gardener friend who I gave a BoM to a few weeks ago (who lives in Hastings) to come to Church in Hastings Ward this Sunday, as I am speaking there with Alex Smith RM.  Had a nice email reply today.  He has a commitment ironically (my hometown) in Bromley that same day.  He committed voluntarily to read the sections I had outlined for him, however, so we have a continuing dialogue going here.  I am hopeful of he being the one I might get baptised to make my goal of one baptism this year.

Have spent this evening reviewing Jean Hearne of Bracknell, Reading Stake DVD produced by President Lyle Shamo, Mission President of the England South London Mission.  Jean has what we all want  - a love of opening her mouth and inviting all she virtually contacts on a daily basis.  When we all want to be like this and get as good as her he good news will spread like wildfire in the South of England.  Can't wait!!  Come on you Englanders!!

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