Just prepared a Book of Mormon to hopefully present to Baroness Shirley Williams this evening at an 11.11.11 lecture on "Can there be a just war?"
Have written:
"The Book of Mormon is another testament of Jesus Christ, alongside the Old and New Testaments of the Holy Bible. It is a 1000 year record of the House of Joseph people and prophets following a migration to the American continent circa 600 BC. It includes a significant account of the appearance and ministry of Christ also to this people. It contains a secular history, but its purpose is to point to who and what Christ is to the human race - His mission and the eternal outcome of hope and progression wrought by His selfless, saving act of sacrifice, a Proxy for each one of us.
It is not a fiction. It is a spiritual, historical work revealed in modernity to conserve and protect our true identity and origin, our true purpose here during our mortal experience and to endorse and expand upon our potential. It provides clarity of principles for living that will yield blessed fruits of peace and happiness to individuals, families, communities and nation states. Where the Holy Bible was abridged, corrupted and mistranslated The Book of Mormon expands, corrects and is translated once from original records into English by a modern day prophet seer and translator. I earnestly invite you to invest time and study to verify this book's authenticity and so bless you and your loved ones."
Shirley Williams has for me been a voice of reason and moderation in British politics. For that reason she has perhaps been denied a central role, having been an academic political adviser for many decades following her stint as education minister in Callahan's government in the late 1970's. Interesting to see if I get a real opportunity to introduce myself and present her with The Book of Mormon. I left my name and telephone number at the end of the introduction.
Am waiting for next Book of Mormon delivery - this my last one from the previous order of 10 hardbacks. Have ordered 10 hardbacks and 10 soft backs following chat with my son Richard who indicated that on his mission they gave away the soft backs more freely, they being cheaper. Having placed this order and thinking further I am not sure the price difference is significant enough in future to buy my personal stock in this way. The softback is £1.55 compared to £1.85 for the hardback. The hardback book has a more substantive feel in my opinion.
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