Prayed this morning for a missionary experience. At Homebase, Orpington, gave the PAC with the Lord exiting the tomb to the mature lady till assistant pointing out the free dvd.
"What Church is this from?"
"The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints - it is near Orpington Station"
"Oh I go to StMary's, the CofE at St Mary's Cray. I got married there - I am celebrating my 40th wedding anniversary this month."
"Congratulations." says I.
"This is a lovely picture which I will put up on my mantelpiece."
I left at that point It was a nice outcome because we had a friendly conversation and she felt validated for her great achievement. Hopefully she will remember the Church with a pleasant association.
President Baldock said at a missionary leadership meeting on Tuesday that we are getting good at sowing seeds, but that we really need to start harvesting.
President Shamo, England London South Mission President is a fine example of this. He spoke of an experience of turning back to tell a friendly petrol station manager of the gospel after an initial friendly exchange but no direct telling of who he was and the message he had to tell. As a result of going back he gave a Book of Mormon and invited the man and his family to receive the missionaries. He got his name, address and telephone number to be able to arrange the appointment.
I feel that this outcome - striking up the conversation, explaining briefly about the Church, getting the contact details after getting their consent to receive the missionaries - is moving towards a harvesting attitude and behaviour, rather than merely sowing seeds. So to my readers - are there any - you can see that whilst I am not bad at regularly sowing seeds, I need to increase my skill at inviting others to receive the FTMs to learn about the restored gospel of Christ.
But seed sowing is better than silence! To be silent is really not being Christlike. We have His Gospel. There are many who are not against us and therfore for us, but do not have the fullness of the Gospel. Only we have it. It is only we, individually and as a Church, who can bring it to the attention of others.
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