Tuesday, 15 November 2011

My son-in-law James came over from Salt Lake City for a flying visit last weekend, so on Saturday we went out for a meal and then on to a classical music concert in Bromley.

We went to an Italian restaurant first and enjoyed a great pizza and salad each. We were rushing to get to the concert and asked for the bill,  paid and left.  We had spoken in a friendly manner to the waitress who had served us during the meal and it was she who had brought the bill and gave some change. As we were leaving I realised I had not offered a PAC to her.  I went back and offered her a card and told her about how special the Church was and that if she was interested she could find out about it at the www.mormon.org url.  She took the card and said thank you, and I left her studying the card with some interest.  It felt good to have gone back and given the PAC to her.

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