Monday, 5 December 2011

These 'Joy to the World' Pass Along Cards are a joy to give away.  After finshing business at a shop I say " And hers is something special for you this Christmas.  Send off for this free, beautidful DVD of the Christmas story of Jesus' birth.  It's a wonderful version by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Would you like one of these for your family?"  In every case they say yes.  I gave three away within 30 minutes at lunchtime today in Welling.  One to the lady I have already given a Book of Mormon to.  She had the BoM in her shop.  I was also able to to ask her to read it - especailly 3 Nephi 9+.  At the Post Office after sending off my SA Christmas parcels the young girl was clearly touched by the offer.  At the B&Q checkout the sales lady was appreciative of being able to show a DVD of Christ's birth story in her home.  These have been some of the lovliest exchanges with PACs to date - the Spirit of Christmas is around us.

Let's invite people to church this month!

1 comment:

  1. trying to find a good resolution copy of the Joy to the world picture without the writing, any suggestions. it's for a Fireside poster.
    thanks Rachel
