Sunday 6 November 2011

On Friday I handed over the keys to a Christian mother and father who are tenants in a flat I own. I also handed a prepared Book of Mormon.  This was not difficult.  We had already discussed the Church soon after I first met them when looking over the property.  I was needing to find out a little about who they were, and interestingly, with their own Christian activity they were as interested in the values and belief in their prospective Landlord. So there was gratitude on their part in learning that I believed in Jesus Christ and was a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

Blessing , the young mother's name, also had something to give to me from her church - 'Rhapsody of Realities' - so it was all timely and interesting.  I will invite them to Welling Church when they have settled in, and also to receive the missionaries. Blessing has already met the Full Time Missionaries, but to date has never received the Book of Mormon. We shall see.

Gave a PAC to the Bromley Marks and Spencer's young male assistant.  A reaction of interest but no time to discuss.
Another week ahead - who knows who will present themselves.

Am going to design for myself a 'My Prospects Progress Tracker' form.  Some of these contacts can be revisited and tried to progress to receiving the missionaries/visit the Church.

President Turner taught us well at Stake Conference session yesterday evening in that it is quite OK to be invited to attend a church by someone of a particular faith.  Saying no isn't difficult and certainly no one is offended when invited, but elects to say no thanks.  Saying yes is also particularly easy in the natural circumstances of an invitation to come and take a look.  Those interested will feel appreciative of being invited at a time in their life when they genuinely would like to learn more about this Church that maybe has something special to offer.

We can but invite.  I guess there is something in the way of doing it that does improve with practice, but again, not inviting when there is a chance to is not being Christ-like enough.

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