Thursday, 16 February 2012

Yesterday a pleasant trip to Bristol by train from Bromley to see two old teacher teacher training friends, Dave and Rob resulted in a PAC being given to the WH Smith shop assistant at Paddington who when I told him this was a special church of Jesus and he needs to check it out was appreciative.

My friends and I met for lunch in the Marriott Royale lounge in Bristol.  They know all about my faith and I had sent Dave a BoM three weeks ago, wfor which he thanked me.

The purpose of the trip was to get to know each other better and to catch up on our lives which for each of us had had some severe traumas which we learnt about for the first time.  After the meal we strolled around Bristol docks and continued discussion including the Word of Wisdom.  Dave is a vegetarian and has been for some decades.  I was able to explain the code of eating meeat sparingly.  Today I am emailing him an educational document and a link to D&C 89 for his interest.

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