Saturday, 22 October 2011

I've been passing along Pass Along Cards (PACs) for over 6 months. I estimate this will be around 70 given out, mostly at the end of shopping when the cashier hands over the change and receipt. Most smile and act curious and say "Thank you." Few reject the offer.

Friday 21 Oct 11 I am lunchtime shopping in Welling for sewing needles in preparation for a Youth Conference workshop, coincidentally developing LDS member-missionary capabilities.

The cashier is wearing a crucifix. As I hand her a PAC with the Lord exiting the tomb I say "I bet you're not wearing the crucifix for decoration. Do you go to church?" "Yes I go to a spiritualist church. What church is this?" "A very spiritual chuurch -The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints." " Is that the one at Peckham?" "There is one there but there is a church along the High Street on the corner of Danson Lane." "Is there?!" I explain where it is, on the same road as the school her son attends, it turns out. I ask "How would you feel if I said that there are now Apostles of Jesus Christ on the earth directing his church?" The immediate and easy reply comes "I wouldn't be surprised!" The Spirit is present as a spirit of peace and calm. "We meet on Sunday at 10 am. Would you like to come along and see for yourself?" " Yes I will!"
We exchange names and details of exactly where. We shake hands peacefully and I leave saying "See you on Sunday."

Sunday is tomorrow (I'm writing this on Saturday). I'll let you know what happens.

I went into another shop a little later. This shop assistant recoiled at the image of the Lord and said, almost shocked, "no thanks, I'm not interested." I left it at that, leaving feeling sorry that a mature woman had got this far in her life unable to know what her specific cultural beliefs are holding her back from.

Earlier this week, when purchasing refreshment at a late night garage, the young man looked at the PAC when I asked if it was something he might be interested in and said "Well, no, but I think my father and mother would be - they are both religious." "Will you give it to them?" "Yes I will." "Thanks,. See you later." I drive off with a fervent prayer he will honour his promise and perhaps be the cause of his family's salvation.

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